Get the taste of freshness that you’ve always wanted.
To implement state-of-the-art dairy farm management systems and improve general well-being of farmers by giving them all necessary support and training on cattle feed, genetics, herd management resulting in improved quality and quantity of milk yield. To continuously improve milk processing facilities to produce the best quality milk and milk products in the most efficient way and under most hygienic conditions.
To be among the most loved brand by the consumers; most envied by the competitors and the most valued brand from the perspective of the share holders.

Best Breed of Cattle
Our innovative breeding program fosters healthy, efficient, trouble-free cows. We rear the best quality of dairy cows in our farm. We have a mix of both Holstein Friesian and Indian Gir cows.

Organic Farming
Think green for a better future.
Organic producers use natural processes and materials when developing farming systems.
We imply the principal methods of organic farming including crop rotation, green manures and compost, biological pest control, and mechanical cultivation.